Sweet William Sooty

My newest burgundy plant to flower is Dianthus barbatus ‘Sooty’, commonly known as Sweet William Sooty. I planted it last summer and have been enjoying its burgundy-green foliage, but over the last week it has flowered and now I am really enjoying it. First, it unfurled a collection of spiky burgundy flowerheads. Then, one by one, buds began … More Sweet William Sooty

Spring Foliage

I think I have always loved plants with interesting foliage. This appreciation stretches from grasses and flaxes to colourful broad-leaved perennials. Somehow my garden is now home to grasses, sedges, heucheras and various other ‘foliage plants’ of many different colours. This happened almost subconsciously. Perhaps it is the latent artist within me that desires these … More Spring Foliage