Playing Two Games: ‘Where Can I Stuff Extra Vegetable Seedlings?’ & ‘Broody Roulette’

The first game we’re playing is called, Where Can I Stuff Extra Vegetable Seedlings? It’s a very catchy title that one, as many of my game titles are. I was playing this game last time and it’s still going on. Oh, and by the way, now that we’ve got rain squalls, it’s summer. The next … More Playing Two Games: ‘Where Can I Stuff Extra Vegetable Seedlings?’ & ‘Broody Roulette’

Lest we Forget

It was Anzac Day on Wednesday last week, the day that we remember those who fought in the wars. We were in Christchurch, and although we didn’t make it to a parade, we learnt a little about the wars from visiting the Air Force Museum of New Zealand as well as the Canterbury Museum. Our … More Lest we Forget